Helene Fischer’s record concert: a hair’s breadth from the storm demolition

Helene Fischer’s record concert
A hair’s breadth past the storm demolition

Helene Fischer hovered over her fans several times.

© imago/Daniel Scharinger

Even the heavy rain couldn’t stop Helene Fischer from giving her concert in front of 130,000 spectators – even if it was damn close.

Screenwriters Helene Fischer’s (38) mega concert in Munich in front of 130,000 people could not have been more dramatic. Gloomy clouds literally hung over the event like the sword of Damocles, and the storm warnings did not bode well. At times, the fans who had been waiting for hours even had to be evacuated to the adjacent exhibition halls. Not much was missing and the record show would have fallen through – but then even the weather gods came out as a Helene fan very late.

When the singer entered the stage to thunderous applause, despite the rain, the setting sun peeped out – including a rainbow! She was previously announced by a very special person who still plays an important role in her life: Ex-partner and now good friend Florian Silbereisen (41): He described the musician as “the unique Helene Fischer” in his introduction. “She’s backstage, just as wet and sweaty, but we don’t care and she doesn’t care!”

Romantic and even political

Shortly after 8 p.m. Fischer began her first song with “Exactly this feeling”, after which she floated across the stage on a wire rope. In the years that followed, she repeatedly linked personal messages to her hits: she dedicated “Hand in Hand” to her fiancé Thomas Seitel, with whom she recently had a child. It even got cautiously (and unusually for the musician) political when she spoke out against hatred and war with “When do we wake up”.

As the last song before the encore, how could it have been otherwise, she belted out her gigantic hit “Atemlos”. After almost two and a half hours of show, four costume changes and a lot of show interludes, the bouncer was “zero to 100”. At the end of the day, what should not be missing from a show of superlatives? Fireworks, of course. And so, in the end, the 130,000 fans might not have been completely dry, but they were well entertained on their way home.


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