Helene Fischer: stage comeback in Florian Silbereisen’s show

After the baby break
With fireworks and Florian Silbereisen: Helene Fischer celebrates a furious stage comeback

Helene Fischer and Florian Silbereisen hugged each other on stage

© Jan Woitas / DPA

Ironically, in Florian Silbereisen’s ARD show “The Big Hit Comeback 2022”, Helene Fischer appeared on stage again after her baby break.

In December, Helene Fischer became a mother for the first time, and then largely withdrew from the public. Fischer’s big stage tour is planned for next year, but fans didn’t have to wait that long.

Helene Fischer: stage comeback in Florian Silbereisen’s show

Because on Saturday evening they could finally see their idol on the big stage again – of all things on the ARD show of their ex-boyfriend Florian Silbereisen. There were already rumors that Fischer would appear on “The Big Hit Comeback 2022”.

Around 11 p.m. the time had come and Silbereisen started the countdown. “I could now list many records that she has set for a long time, but I would like to make it very short: I am and will remain her fan,” he said and a little later she was there: Helene Fischer, in a black suit, under which a silver glitter bra peeked out and performed her hit “Blitz”.

chat among friends

Then Fischer and Silbereisen hugged each other. Even after the split, the two remained close. Over the years, they had regularly emphasized that there was no bad blood between them. In a conversation on stage, Silbereisen wanted to know from Fischer whether she sometimes wears casual outfits. After all, the fans know them to a large extent in elaborate stage looks. “You’re pretty well dressed with jeans. This is a show outfit. Privately, I’m knitted completely differently. You know that too,” Fischer replied.

After a short chat, the music continued. Because Fischer fans really got something to do in the evening. Between fireworks, the 37-year-old sang several songs, and her biggest hit “Atemlos” could not be missing from the singer’s comeback. One thing is clear: Helene Fischer is ready for concerts again. Luckily, because her fans have been there for a long time.


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