Helene Fischer: Helene Fischer fans react to the cancellation of the show

Helene Fischer
Helene Fischer fans react to the cancellation of the show

Helene Fischer will not catch up on her concert in Hanover – this is how the fans react.

© imago/Future Image

After Helene Fischer’s dramatic accident at the concert in Hanover, the performance will not be made up. The fans are disappointed.

After a serious accident during an acrobatic number, superstar Helene Fischer (38) had to cancel her concert in Hanover on Sunday. That there will be no alternative date, announced the organizer “Live Nations” via Instagram.

“Helene Fischer is doing well after her trapeze accident at the last concert in Hanover, given the circumstances. The artist was treated on an outpatient basis after she had to stop the show due to an injury. Unfortunately, the canceled event in the ZAG Arena cannot be made up for,” it says in the “important information”. And further: The tickets can be returned at the respective advance booking offices.

After the summer break, the Helene Fischer tour will continue as planned in the fall. “Start is August 25th in Cologne’s Lanxess Arena. After Cologne, the concerts in Vienna (Austria), Arnhem (Holland), Zurich (Switzerland), Munich and Frankfurt are still on the program,” says the organizer.

Helene Fischer’s fans are disappointed, uncomprehending and angry

Some fans of the music stars do not show much understanding of this decision in the comments. “Happens with such a frippery artistic gymnastics. Should she leave it to the professionals in the circus. Why doesn’t she just play her songs?!? Would the fans of her music have more of it,” writes one. Another follower simply asks: “Is it difficult to just repeat the concert!? Why isn’t it possible?”

A follower draws a larger arc: “First of all, it’s really good that she’s doing reasonably well again … basically you can call this accident a blessing in disguise – if it happened 3 days earlier, there would be more Concerts cancelled”, she points out. But she is also disappointed: “Unfortunately, we are denied the fantastic show… the anticipation, etc.. all gone”. You can understand that there is no catch-up date, “this immense effort […] Nevertheless, the disappointment remains.” She closes her post with a worried greeting: “Get well soon, Helene… what you’re doing, you’re doing great, but also think about your family… at some point the guardian angels will be used up… is is it worth it?”

And there are fans who protect their star, so it can also be read: “It’s funny that the people who don’t go to their concerts get upset the most. She also sings 24 songs and in 3 of them she does acrobatics. They’re all pretending to hang her upside down for 2 hours. It’s a fantastic show and I wish her a speedy recovery.”


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