Heavy fighting between Azerbaijan and Armenia – Politics

Heavy fighting broke out again between Azerbaijan and Armenia in the Caucasus on Tuesday night. According to Russian news agencies, the Armenian Defense Ministry in Yerevan said that Azerbaijani troops had attacked Armenian positions in three places with artillery and large-caliber weapons.

In Baku, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry said that a large-scale attempt at sabotage by Armenians had sparked the fighting.

The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan has been unresolved for many years.

(Photo: SZ-Karte/Maps4News)

The former Soviet republics have been at war with each other over the Nagorno-Karabakh region for decades. It is inhabited by Armenians but belongs to Azerbaijan.

In 2020, Azerbaijan improved its position in a four-month war that claimed the lives of more than 5,000 soldiers and hundreds of civilians. Azerbaijani forces seized lands in the region previously held by Armenians. The front lines were frozen with an armistice agreement brokered by Russia. For Azerbaijan it was like a victory.

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