Heat wave in Spain – in Valencia it is almost 30 degrees warm

Weather in January
Heat wave in Spain – it is currently almost 30 degrees warm in Valencia

Because of the current heat wave in Spain, it’s beach weather again here in Valencia

© Jose Jordan / AFP

Beach weather in Spain: In some parts of the country, temperatures are currently climbing to almost 30 degrees during the day. There had already been a heat wave there in December.

Through Spain is currently experiencing a heat wave – in January: around 30 degrees Celsius were measured in the south and east of the country on Thursday. Normal would actually be around 16 or 17 degrees. According to the weather agency Aemet, the thermometer climbed to 29.5 degrees in the Valencia region on the Mediterranean coast in the afternoon. A little south of there in the Murcia region 28.5 degrees were measured and in Málaga in Andalusia in the south 27.8 degrees were measured.

Temperature records in Spain at the beginning of the year

The weather agency spoke of an “anomaly” in the middle of winter, meaning several temperature records for January were broken in various places in Spain. The temperatures at almost 400 weather stations – almost every second one – reached or exceeded 20 degrees.

The heat wave, which also affected southeastern France, was triggered by a high over the Mediterranean. Spain has been repeatedly hit by heat waves for some time now, and in December it was 29.9 degrees in Málaga. At the same time, the country is suffering from severe drought in Andalusia and Catalonia.

During the December heat, Aemet said such temperatures would be “much less likely” without the climatic changes being observed around the world and in Spain. According to the information, the number of heat waves has tripled in Spain over the past ten years.

See in the photo series: It doesn’t always have to be Italy, Spain or Greece: Northern Europe also has many beautiful holiday destinations to offer – which are worth a trip, especially where the summers are getting hotter and hotter.


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