Heat planning: Municipalities want more time – politics

The German Association of Cities has spoken out against shortening the deadlines for municipal heat planning by half a year. “We are counting on the cities getting the necessary investment security for the expansion of the district heating networks and not being too tight when it comes to deadlines,” said the deputy general manager of the city council, Verena Göppert, on Saturday to the editorial network Germany (RND). For this, the deadlines for municipal heat planning in the draft law of the Federal Ministry of Building would have to be adjusted. “It is important for us that the deadlines for heat planning are extended to the end of 2026 or 2028 and do not end in the middle of the year,” emphasized Göppert.

On Friday, the ministry presented a revised bill on heat planning. In concrete terms, cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants should have until mid-2026 to prepare their heating plans. All other municipalities would have to submit them by June 30, 2028. This is half a year earlier than initially planned. These plans should prepare the regionally tailored switch to a climate-neutral heat supply, said Parliamentary State Secretary in the Ministry of Construction, Sören Bartol. “It’s clear that we need staying power for this, the conversion will take time. But if you convert your heat supply now, you will save energy costs in the future.”

The Association of Municipal Companies (VKU) announced a critical examination of the draft law. In the original version, there were some construction sites “with some impractical specifications,” said VKU general manager Ingbert Liebing. “That’s why we will now put the draft through its paces just as thoroughly.”

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