Heat and drought in Europe: These satellite images illustrate it

heat wave
These satellite images and data illustrate the drought in Europe

Visualization: Heat anomaly in Europe causes drought

© Copernicus

There is a drought: rising temperatures, falling water levels in rivers and lakes, increased risk of forest fires. Heat and drought have Germany and Europe firmly in their grip these days. With far-reaching effects. Satellite photos document the extreme situation.

Extremely high temperatures and little rain this summer have had far-reaching consequences throughout Europe: there is water shortage in many places, and the drought favors forest fires. Low river levels affect shipping, including on the Rhine, but the otherwise picturesque Loire in France and the Po in Italy have also increasingly dried up. The drought also has consequences for agriculture and its harvests. Not to be forgotten are the health problems that extreme heat can cause for many people.

Copernicus, the earth observation program of the EU and the European Space Agency ESA, regularly makes satellite images and data available, from which the prevailing condition can sometimes be recognized quite well.

For example, the visualization above shows the temperature anomaly in Europe in July this year. As Copernicus reports, July this year was one of the warmest July months ever recorded. The visualization shows the deviations from the otherwise average prevailing air temperatures – the darker the shade of red, the higher the deviation.

Drought becomes visible on satellite images

The consequences of the high temperatures can be seen on satellite images. Above: two shots of Germany. The one on the left is from August 2022, the one on the right from August 2021. Move the slider to see the detail and to make the differences between the images visible. The north was a little overcast on the day of the photo last year, but the southern part of the republic was easy to see. Predominant color: brown.

drought Europe

Satellite image of parts of Western Europe

© European Union, Copernicus Sentinel-3 imagery 2022

Another photo shows the situation in France and parts of the neighboring countries, which also had to deal with the consequences of the drought this year. According to Copernicus, the thermometer in Spain could once again climb to over 44 degrees between August 9 and 14, in France to 40 degrees and in Great Britain to around 35 degrees. Rain: First of all, none.

Drought Netherlands

The Rhine at Gendt in the Netherlands

© European Union, Copernicus Sentinel-3 imagery 2021/22

According to Copernicus, the water level of the Rhine could drop to a record low this year. The two photos above, one from August 2021, one from this year, clearly show the difference in the river, but also in the waters next to the stream.

In the line: Impressive photos of the increasingly deserted Rhine river bed in Germany.

Source: Copernicus


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