Healthy snacks to lose weight: 5 snacks for in between

snack food
Healthy snacks to lose weight: It doesn’t always have to be a nut mix

Chips and chocolate are delicious.

© FabrikaCr / Getty Images

If you want to lose weight, you should find a healthy mix of more exercise and discipline when eating. Healthy snacks combined with moderate cardio exercise are key to getting a beach body. Five little snacks for in between.

Basically, the calculation is very simple: If you want to get rid of excess pounds, you should burn more calories than you take in during the day. To achieve this goal, healthy eating is important, but not critical. Although our body burns energy when sitting in front of the laptop, this is by far not enough to create the surplus that it needs to lose weight. Provided you don’t starve yourself for days due to the home office job. No matter which way you turn and turn: If you want to lose weight, you have to train, challenge your body – and do it regularly. Important: It’s not about lacing up your running shoes five times a week. The smart combination of moderate exercise and conscious nutrition is the key to successful weight loss. Speaking of conscious nutrition: Consciously, subconsciously or just out of boredom, having a glass of wine or a beer every evening with salty pastries or chocolate is not part of it. But what to do if the little hungry doesn’t want to rest in between or after work?

We have a few snacking ideas: Five healthy snacks that taste good and help you lose weight.

1. Seeberger Trail Mix

Not another mix of dried fruit and nuts, please? But. Because the Seeberger trail mix surprises with dried fruits, which are rarely if ever used in such mixtures. In addition to peanuts and honey-salt almonds, you can snack on dried physalis and (unfortunately sugared) rhubarb. Cranberries and banana chips round off the fruity and salty mix for in between meals.

Nutritional values ​​per 100 g according to the manufacturer

  • 474 calories
  • 25 g fat (of which 8.2 g saturated fat)
  • 47 g carbohydrates (of which sugars: 33 g)
  • 10 grams of protein
  • 0.41 grams of salt

2. Rapunzel muesli snack (coconut amaranth)

With the eco-test rating “very good”, the Muesli snack coconut amaranth by Rapunzel 2020 all muesli bar competitors in the shade. The testers were particularly impressed by the sugar content of around 4.4 grams per bar. In addition, the grainy cereal snack from the Allgäu region feeds muscles and brain with almost 50 percent complex, multi-chain carbohydrates, i.e. carbohydrates that contain important vitamins and minerals in addition to fuel. In addition to the amaranth variant refined with grated coconut, the Rapunzel crispy bar is also available in the Original, Chocolate and Hemp-Fruit varieties.

Nutritional values ​​per bar of 29 g according to the manufacturer

  • 118 calories
  • 3.77 g fat (of which 1.74 g saturated fat)
  • 18.56 g carbohydrates (of which sugar: 4.35 g)
  • 1.74 grams of protein
  • 0.12 grams of salt

3. Foodist Snack Bites

With six varieties of its snacks, Foodist wants to switch off the light in between when you are hungry. the snack bites are gluten free and vegan. 55 grams of mini muesli bars fall out of a bag and there is something for (almost) every taste. Chocolate fans will find what they are looking for, as will nut lovers and sweet fruits. And everyone who can’t make up their minds grabs it Snack Bite Mix. Important: All Snack Bites are made from dates. If you don’t like the “bread of the desert”, you should better choose one of the five healthy snacks listed here.

Nutritional values ​​per bag of 55 g according to the manufacturer

  • 220 calories
  • 11 g fat (of which 1.5 g saturated fat)
  • 28 g carbohydrates (of which sugar: 23 g)
  • 4.6 grams of protein
  • 0.03 grams of salt

4. Grillido sports sausage

Let’s move on to an equally healthy but hearty snack for in between. You have to look for sugar at the Grillido sports sausage search with the magnifying glass. But the salami made from dried beef is not supposed to provide energy at all. Instead, a 20-gram sausage contains almost eight grams of protein and can easily keep up with classic protein bars. In addition, the dried meat snack for on the go shines with less than three grams of fat and a pinch of salt. Important: This snack has little or nothing to do with a mini salami à la BiFi. The somewhat chewy consistency of jerky isn’t for everyone. But it’s worth trying. Also because the Grillido Sportwurst is available as an original salami as well as in the varieties “Beef and Herbs” and “Beef and Chili”.

Nutritional values ​​per portion of 20 g according to the manufacturer

  • 59 calories
  • 2.9 g fat (of which 1.4 g saturated fat)
  • 0.3 g carbohydrates (of which sugar: 0.2 g)
  • 7.8 grams of protein
  • 0.8 grams of salt

5. Happy Belly Dried Fruit Salad

At the end, as a dessert so to speak, we recommend a small fruit salad. Dried plums, peaches, apricots, pears and slices of apple abound in the Happy Belly bags. Of the Dried Fruit Salad According to the manufacturer, it does not contain any added sugar. The varieties are also unsweetened and therefore delicious alternatives Dried mango, Dried papaya, Dried apricots and Dried Pineapple Rings.

Nutritional values ​​per 25 g portion according to the manufacturer

  • 71 calories
  • 0.1 g fat (of which saturated fatty acids: < 0.1 g)
  • 16 g (of which sugar: 11.2 g)
  • 0.7 grams of protein
  • < 0.1g salt

And another bouncer tip: If you want to lose weight and still cannot or do not want to resist the craving for chocolate, you should use dark chocolate with the highest possible cocoa content (80 percent and more). One slice is only about 36 calories. In addition, the bitter substances inhibit the appetite for sweets. On top of that, the happiness and feel-good hormone serotonin is created in a few detours. If that’s not a good reason.

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