“Health reasons”: CSU General Secretary Stephan Mayer resigned

“Health reasons”
CSU General Secretary Stephan Mayer resigned

CSU General Secretary Stephan Mayer has resigned after only a short term in office. Photo: Peter Kneffel/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

CSU boss Markus Söder has to look for a new general secretary again. After just over two months in office, Stephan Mayer resigned. Violent allegations against him had previously become public.

CSU General Secretary Stephan Mayer has resigned after only a short term in office. “For health reasons, I asked the party leader of the CSU today to release me from my job as general secretary,” Mayer said in a statement distributed by the CSU.

The “Bild” newspaper had previously reported on it. Mayer was only appointed Secretary General at the end of February at the suggestion of party leader Markus Söder, after his predecessor Markus Blume had become Minister of Science.

“It’s my personal decision,” emphasized the 48-year-old in the written statement. It was with great pleasure that he carried out the office of CSU General Secretary. “I would like to thank the entire party and especially our party chairman Markus Söder for the very good and friendly cooperation.”

Massive allegations against Mayer

Before that, however, massive allegations against Mayer had become public, which he himself addressed directly in his statement: “In a conversation with a journalist from the “Bunte” based on blatantly unlawful reporting, I may have used a choice of words that I don’t think is appropriate in retrospect would consider,” he wrote. “I very much regret this.”


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