Health: Jane Fonda has a relaxed attitude towards old age

Jane Fonda has a relaxed attitude towards old age

Jane Fonda has no problems with aging. Photo: Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP/dpa

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Jane Fonda considers herself lucky to still be alive and able to work. Even if some joints are no longer original.

In her own words, Hollywood star Jane Fonda (84) is not bothered by aging.

“I am very aware that I am closer to death. And that doesn’t really bother me that much,” she said in an interview on the television show “CBS Sunday Morning”. “What bothers me is that my body is basically not mine,” she said. “My knees are not mine, my hips are not mine, my shoulder is not mine.”

Nevertheless, she is satisfied with her everyday life. “The fact is, at almost 85, I’m still alive and working. Wow! Who cares if I don’t have my old joints anymore? And can no longer ski, cycle or jog?” You can feel really old at 60 and “really young” at 85.

The Oscar winner has spoken publicly about the importance of fitness time and time again. In the 1980s, she sparked a fitness wave with aerobic videos. In 2020 she published her first workout video on the social media platform Tiktok.


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