Headscarf: 16-year-old Iranian woman in coma after incident with moral guards

16-year-old Iranian woman in coma after incident with moral guards

The flag of the Islamic Republic of Iran flies in Berlin: There was allegedly an incident with moral guardians in the country. photo

© Monika Skolimowska/dpa

It is reminiscent of the case of the Iranian Kurdish woman Jina Mahsa Amini: A young woman is in hospital after a clash with the moral police in the Tehran subway.

In the Iran, a 16-year-old student has been taken to hospital after an incident in the Tehran subway. Human rights organizations such as the Norway-based organization “Hengaw” spoke of an incident with the notorious moral watchdogs in the country. The trigger is said to have been a violation of the headscarf requirement. Armita Garawand is in a coma.

According to local media, the student was taken to hospital on Sunday after fainting on the subway. It was said that the girl lost her balance due to a drop in blood pressure and then hit her head against the edge of the train. Her friends then carried her out of the subway car and called the emergency services.

Video footage from the metro station published by the state news agency Irna is said to show the incident. You can see a group of women wearing headscarves entering a subway car and just a few seconds later carrying an unconscious person out again.

A journalist was temporarily arrested on the way to the hospital, the daily newspaper “Sharg” reported. She wanted to inquire about the young people’s health.

Users wrote on social media that they were reminded of the case of the Iranian Kurdish woman Jina Mahsa Amini. The 22-year-old fell into a coma and subsequently died after being arrested by moral police for allegedly violating Islamic dress codes.


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