Head of the pension insurance: “Ordinary pension plus” expected

Status: 12.09.2021 02:26 a.m.

After the zero round this year, retirees can expect a “decent plus” in 2022. That said the head of the pension insurance. According to the federal government, there is a drastic gap between pensions and pensions for civil servants.

Pensioners in Germany can expect their retirement benefits to be increased again next year after a zero round in 2021. “I assume that the lack of increase will be made up to a certain extent in the coming year and that the pensioners will get a decent plus in 2022,” said the President of the German Pension Insurance Association, Gundula Roßbach, the newspapers of the Funke media group.

Fourth wave affects altitude

How much more it will be, however, will not be known until next spring, because one has to look at the wage development throughout 2021. It is currently not possible to estimate how the fourth corona wave will affect the economy and the labor market.

However, as far as income is concerned, the statutory pension insurance has so far come through the Corona crisis in a stable manner. One reason for this is that the pension insurance in the pandemic also receives pension contribution payments on short-time work benefits, unemployment benefits and sickness benefits.

Pensions significantly higher than pensions

However, there is a large discrepancy between pensions and civil servants’ pensions. 82 percent of the statutory pensions amount to less than 1500 euros. In contrast, 95.1 percent of pensions for federal civil servants are over 1500 euros. This emerges from a response from the Federal Ministry of Labor to a request from the Left Party, which is available to the editorial network in Germany.

“The gap to the civil service pensions shows a two-class society,” said the parliamentary group leader of the left in the Bundestag, Dietmar Bartsch accordingly. The Left advocates a major pension reform based on Austria. All citizens paid there, including civil servants, the self-employed and politicians.

Take a closer look at statistics

According to RND, the Federal Ministry of Labor pointed out in its response to the request from the Left that the statistics also included very low pensions, for example due to short periods of employment. However, civil servants would be recruited on a lifetime basis. In addition, many of them have a university degree.

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