Head of the Church: Pope in a record store – keeping a promise

Head of church
Pope in the record store – keeping a promise

Pope Francis (r) at his weekly general audience in the Vatican. Photo: Alessandra Tarantino / AP / dpa

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Just go to a record store: The Pope is considered close to the people and lived up to his reputation when visiting old friends.

Pope Francis paid a visit to a record shop in the center of Rome – and caused a brief commotion.

The Holy Father went from the Vatican to the shop near the Pantheon on Tuesday evening to bless it, the press office of the Holy See told the Italian news agency Ansa. The owners are, according to the report, friends of Francis from the days before his pontificate when he came to Rome. He had promised several times that he would visit the shopkeepers again.

According to Ansa, the 85-year-old head of the Catholic Church stayed about a quarter of an hour in the newly renovated music shop and received a CD of classical music as a gift. A Vatican journalist for the TV news agency Rome Reports recorded a video of the Argentine leaving the store and getting into his car.


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