he takes a golf ball in the face during his walk in the Dordogne

Two glof balls and a club (illustration). – Jeff Haynes AFP / Archives

Sacred mishap. Bernard, a 70-year-old Périgord, received a golf ball squarely in the face last Tuesday during his traditional walk along the golf course. golf course of Périgueux in Dordogne. The bullet ended its mad race between the two eyes of this pensioner, on his nose, breaking his glasses in the process.

According to South West, the victim did not need to be hospitalized but suffers from a strong psychological trauma. “If I had caught him in the eye, I was one-eyed. If she had hit the temple, I was done! », Recalls the septuagenarian. He tried to file a complaint but that would not be possible according to the police.

Upcoming improvements?

For the retiree, the safety nets are too low. The management of the golf course of Périgueux recognizes this but affirms that it is the agglomeration which has the management of these last. She could make some adjustments. Another walker had suffered exactly the same mishap in 2012 specifies the regional daily and here too the authorities had undertaken to raise the nets. Apparently this was not done …

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