He sells his collection of 2,200 consoles for almost a million euros on eBay

A French user by the name of “kariaure” recently put his collection of video game consoles up for sale for almost a million euros on eBayreports Kotaku relayed by Tom’s Guide this Thursday. According to his calculations, it would bring together nearly 2,250 different consoles, or according to him “the largest collection of consoles that exists”.

In his announcement, the man explained that he had started his collection in the early 1990s. After several sales, however, his collection did not really begin until the early 2000s. in Paris in 2015 and 2016, the player was finally able to recover most of these parts as well as new consoles during a trip to Tokyo in 2018. A YouTube video shows the state of his collection in 2010.

Extremely rare editions

If the collector did not specify why he wanted to sell his collection again today, he did however indicate that it would be, according to him, “impossible to collect this collection at the present time” with the sums he invested at the time. Moreover, he claimed that at least 200 to 300 of these consoles “are absolutely not to be found, even with the means”.

Because if the man has collected copies of almost all existing consoles in each model and in each color, he has also accumulated limited editions, such as those only available in certain packs or offered during certain competitions.

Finally, in its announcement, “kariaure” insisted that no parts would be sold separately. Thus, this gigantic collection could, according to him, interest “a big collector”, a museum or certain associations of retro games.

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