He says “yes” to the marriage proposal slipped into a box of Hénaff pâté

The suspense that kept France in suspense, Mbappé soap opera style (spoiler: he will sign for Real Madrid). Was the man who had received a marriage proposal slipped into a box of Hénaff pâté going to say “yes” between the starter and the dessert? Bad news is already quite numerous in the news, we reassure you: he said ” Yes as reported our colleagues from Figaro. Long live love, romance, life and happy couples.

And in addition to freeing us from the unbearable lightness of this suspense, Le Figaro, which had confirmation from the Hénaff group, details: after a first aborted attempt at Pentecost due to a sick child (always present to spoil the party – we’re laughing, long live the children), Madame, who had therefore stashed the request in his box of pâté thanks to the complicity of Hénaff, was kindly urged by the group to set off again. And for good reason, the story had gone viral and Monsieur risked being spoiled at any time.

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It was therefore during an ordinary aperitif (long live the aperitif, too (be careful, alcohol should be consumed in moderation, blabla)) that the lover ended up opening this box which has entered the legend of French gastronomy , by discovering the note written by his companion and the ring – the tab of the box.

Come on, love each other, because this is the kind of story we like to write.

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