He repairs (very) worn sneakers and his videos are a hit on Tiktok

It was because his autistic son was ruining all his shoes by tiptoeing that Miguel Solorio, who had just lost his job, became a shoemaker. And by dint of tinkering, the American has developed a technique allowing him to renovate sneakers so well that they end up looking like new!

“So I bought shoes for eight dollars in a second-hand store, I restored them and… I ended up reselling them for 150 dollars! rejoices Miguel. His professional retraining, the father of the family then discovered, through his eldest daughter, another talent: that of influencer on the very popular TikTok platform, via which he broadcasts short sketches presenting his repairs.

A social media star

“I never thought my sneaker restoration work would interest so many people, especially with videos that are only 60 seconds long! “, explains the one that his fans now call
The Showlorios. In fact, the success is there since
his TikTok channel has, to date, nearly seven million followers! Discover all the talents of this new kind of shoemaker in this video from our partner Brut.

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