“He is vomiting” … David Gaudu leaves the top 10 after a big failure

From our special correspondent in Maulaucène,

He warned his team from the first kilometers of step. David Gaudu had a nightmarish day this Wednesday during the 11th stage of the Tour de France, arriving 25 minutes from the winner of the day, Van Aert, after the double ascent of Mont Ventoux

He did not need to wait for the first difficulties to be in trouble. “He had already warned us over the headset that he was in trouble, he really wasn’t feeling well, no leg, hot. From the first kilometers, he warned us that he was not well, ”explained his sporting director, Marc Madiot.

“He is shot”

To the point of not even being able to go to a mixed zone at the end of the stage. “There, he is currently vomiting,” announced Marc Madiot while responding to the press on this failure. Vomiting but above all an exit from the top 10 for the French, who slipped five places in the general classification. “He’s downhearted, he came here, he had worked a lot, he had invested a lot, like the team, so tonight it’s a huge disappointment. When you lose everything like that in a day, you have to accept it, ”he added.

And to accept it, the FDJ team is now aiming for a stage victory. “In this area, there are good prospects. There are those who say that it is better to win a stage than to finish 11th or 12th. Well, I would have liked to finish 10th and win a stage, but now there are going to be openings for him, he has to recover his health. We still have little cards to play, ”hopes Marc Madiot, who will also be able to count on David Gaudu’s teammates, relieved of taking their leader.

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