Have you had Corona? THIS is why you should have your eyes examined now

Researchers with a clear message

Did you have Corona? Why you should get your eyes checked now

Have you ever had Corona? Then, according to US researchers, you should get checked out by an ophthalmologist.

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How often have you been infected with the coronavirus in the past?

In fact, this question is almost irrelevant, because even those who have only tested positive once should pay close attention to their eyes. The reason: A new study suggests that Covid-19 can cause long-term damage to the optic nerve. What exactly did the researchers find out? We clarify.

Consequence of Covid-19: Optic nerve damage after a single corona infection?

What does a corona infection have to do with eyesight?

Pawan Kumar Singh, assistant professor of ophthalmology, led a study that concluded: All people who have ever had a corona infection should get checked by an ophthalmologist.

This also applies to all those who showed no Covid19 symptoms. No matter how long ago the infection occurred, according to the doctor, it could have caused consequential damage to the eye.

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Study: Mouse test shows coronaviruses can be detected on the animals’ retinas

What exactly did researchers at the University of Missouri School of Medicine find?

When testing coronaviruses on mice, the animals inhaled coronaviruses through their noses and mouths. Just a few hours later, the scientists observed that the viruses were also detectable on the mice’s retinas.

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Sars-CoV-2 apparently manages to break through the sensitive barrier in the retina

The coronaviruses had apparently managed to break through the protective blood-retinal barrier!

This barrier in the retina is actually designed to protect the eye from infection. The barrier normally prevents pathogens from reaching the retina at all.

If it is breached, this can result in inflammatory reactions in the eye, which in the worst case can lead to complete loss of vision.

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