Have you decided to leave your spouse before, during or after the summer vacation was hell? tell us

Love at the beach, ahouchachacha? Not always… According to a British study carried out by an English car rental company, and relayed by the Dailymail in 2019, one in ten couples separate after having spent a romantic holiday. In addition, out of 2,000 adults questioned by the company Holiday Autos, 40% of couples argue at least once a day during the holidays.

The settings are many and varied: road trips, beach holidays, city breaks or family breaks. Something to spoil the summer break… Some also argue even before the big start.

So are you one of the people who had such a horrible vacation with their partner that you decided to break up when you got back? Did you prefer to break up even before ruining your summer, and why? Did you hold on despite the arguments (and in what ways)? Summer holidays, after all, isn’t it better when you’re single and free?

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