Have you been able to resist this little anti-stress game, a real hit of the summer?

What is multicolored that makes “plop plop plop”? If you’ve been walking the holiday markets or gravitating into the sphere of one or more children lately, you probably have the answer: the
Pop it. The principle ? A rubber plate in various shapes (heart, star, crown…), equipped with small balls that can be burst endlessly. This is the modern equivalent of the traditional “bubble wrap” that has allowed many adults to run their nerves over the past 50 years (and we cannot thank him enough).

For several weeks, this small de-stressing toy has been a real hit with children (and even adults), to the point of almost overshadowing the Pokemon Go phenomenon. Some parents have quickly seen big advantages (channeling their adorable little demons and / or occupy them with the weather at half mast), others on the contrary did not give in, at the risk of being reproached forever for a sacrificed childhood. And you, were you able to resist the temptation?

Have you given one to your children or loved ones? Have you been seduced by this stress-relieving little game yourself? What pleasure do you get from it? On the contrary, are you one of the few that Pop it has not won over this summer? And do you think you can hold out for a long time? You can testify by filling out the form below. Your testimonials will be used in writing an article. Thanks in advance.

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