Haute-Savoie firefighters suspended for lack of valid health pass

If firefighters, as well as all health professionals are subject to the vaccination obligation from September 15, those who are not yet, must currently present a negative covid test until that date. Rule to which “less than a dozen” firefighters from Haute-Savoie did not comply on Monday for taking up their post. The latter were therefore suspended, said Pascal Lorteau, director of SDIS Haute-Savoie, confirming information from the regional daily on Dauphiné Liberated.

“I went to the custody and got thrown like a dime after 21 years of service. My self-test was not enough, ”one of them told the newspaper. “We had to make examples and we were the first to pay the price. “

“Even the best arguments of common sense do not bear”

The director of the fire department of the department specifies that the men cited by the Dauphiné Libéré have since seen their suspension lifted because they have “brought themselves into compliance”. However, some were still concerned, Thursday afternoon, by this sanction.

“It must be brought back to a total of more than 3,500 firefighters” in the department, insists Pascal Lorteau, assuring that there has been “a lot of internal communication (…), of pedagogy”. “We must face the facts: vis-à-vis some of the agents, even the best arguments of common sense do not bear,” regrets the director.

Suspension of wages for firefighters

Depending on the progressive application of this obligation, after having presented at least one negative test until September 15, firefighters, caregivers and employees of Ephad in particular, will then have to prove that they have received at least one dose of vaccine against the Covid-19 until October 15 so as not to be suspended.

For professional firefighters, this results in a suspension of salary. At the beginning of August, one of the main French professional firefighters’ unions, the FA SPP-PATS, announced that it had given notice of an indefinite national strike to protest against the compulsory vaccination of firefighters.

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