Hattenhofen decides: Almost 80 percent for the fee solution – Fürstenfeldbruck

Hattenhofen has decided:Almost 79 percent vote for the fee solution

Hattenhofen has decided: Hattenhofen should be connected to the Mammendorf sewage treatment plant.  The costs are borne by the house and property owners with a sewer connection.  Billing is based on the fees for 25 years after the referendum.

Hattenhofen is to be connected to the Mammendorf sewage treatment plant. The costs are borne by the house and property owners with a sewer connection. Billing is based on the fees for 25 years after the referendum.

(Photo: Carmen Voxbrunner)

The line to the sewage treatment plant in Mammendorf is becoming expensive. Homeowners and landowners prefer to pay in increments rather than a big chunk all at once

By Manfred Amann, Hattenhofen

The citizens of Hattenhofen have refused to pay one-off contributions to the community. They should offset the cost of the penstock that connects the village to the sewage treatment plant in Mammendorf. There was a referendum on this on Sunday. A clear majority of almost 79 percent advocated that the necessary 2.4 million euros over a period of about a quarter of a century be settled exclusively through higher sewage fees. The house and property owners with a sewer connection have to pay for the connection. 718 citizens took part in the vote. 566 voted for the fee solution, 152 against. The mixed financing decided by the municipal council is therefore off the table. After that, half of the costs should have been settled in the form of immediate contributions, only the other half would have been included in the fee calculation. Although votes had been vigorously campaigned for before the referendum, voter turnout was limited at just over 58 percent.

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