has an attempted attack been foiled at the Lille police station?

The Lille police station (illustration). – M.Libert / 20 Minutes

At around 5 a.m. this Monday morning, a 42-year-old man was arrested near the Lille police station. He was in a vehicle in which there were gas cylinders, we learned from the prosecution confirming information from
our RTL colleagues.

According to the services of the prosecutor of the Republic of Lille, a man “domiciled in Hénin-Beaumont [Pas-de-Calais], aged 42, was arrested following a traffic violation ”in Lille. The police intervention took place on the emergency lane of the A25 motorway adds the prosecution. During the search of the vehicle, the police actually discovered on board “four empty gas bottles and two gasoline jerry cans, one of which is partially filled”, details the prosecution.

Common law offenses but no “S” sheet

A little earlier in the morning, a motorist had been spotted near the police station, going back and forth according to our colleagues at RTL. The prosecutor confirms that a “reconciliation is underway with an individual who would have behaved suspiciously” near the police station.

An investigation was opened, in particular to try to determine the intentions of the forties on which the prosecution has not yet pronounced. However, the respondent is already known to the police and justice for “common law offenses”. He also has a “psychiatric history” and is not the subject of an “S” sheet.

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