Harry and Meghan: chase overshadows 5th wedding anniversary

Harry and Megan
Chase overshadows 5th wedding anniversary

It’s been exactly five years since the pictures of the newlyweds Harry and Meghan went around the world.

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The fact that May 19, 2023 is the fifth anniversary of Harry and Meghan’s wedding goes down smoothly in view of recent events.

Exactly five years ago, on May 19, 2018, Prince Harry (38) and Duchess Meghan (41) married. A lot has happened since then – the Megxit, the alleged break with the British royal family, various lawsuits against the media. The fifth anniversary of their marriage is also overshadowed by new drama: instead of being able to fully concentrate on each other and their two children, they once again have to defend themselves against representatives of the press, who they consider too intrusive.

“Last night the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Mrs Ragland were involved in a near-fatal chase by a group of extremely aggressive paparazzi,” a Royals spokesman said on Wednesday (May 17). The Duchess was previously honored with an award at the Women of Vision Gala attended by her husband and mother in New York City. The drive home had developed into a dangerous situation due to the intrusive photographers, which had terrible parallels to the one that led to Princess Diana’s accidental death in 1997.

Instead of love letters for each other, the fifth anniversary will primarily be letters from lawyers to the picture agency in question. According to the Sussexes, this should immediately release the filmed and shot video and image material. They want to analyze the recordings and in this way improve their own security, according to a report by TMZ.

Counterattack by the picture agency

The other side is not only stubborn, once again the conflict is used to criticize Harry’s origins: His “royal privilege to demand that the people cede their property to the crown was rejected in this country a long time ago.” According to “TMZ”, the corresponding US picture agency even refers to the founding fathers in their letter.

However, the image of the privileged British prince in the USA is not only drawn once again, but that of the ex-actors Meghan, who are looking for attention. The particularly infamous allegation that the incident in New York City could even have been staged by the Sussexes for a Netflix documentary was not long in coming.

Once again, accusation and counter-accusation are in the room. Regardless of where the truth settles, on your fifth wedding anniversary, you would surely wish to spend your time on more pleasant things.


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