Harlan Coben and John Grisham cancel their visit to Quais du Polar

A detective with dark humor might say: it’s a massacre. After disrupting the last two editions of Quays of the Polar, the Covid returns to spoil the festival of detective literature: Harlan Coben and John Grisham have just canceled their visit to Lyon this weekend. Also affected are Viviane Moore, Jean-Luc Fromental and Max Annas.

Coben will be present… in video

The meeting with Harlan Coben, scheduled for Saturday April 2 at 2 p.m. at the Chapel of the Trinity, is however maintained, by video and live. And 130 authors will indeed be present for the return of a Quais du Polar in good and due form, from April 1 to 3 in Lyon and throughout the agglomeration.

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