“Hard but fair”: What is the war in Ukraine doing to Germany? – Media

In “Hard but Fair” the guests explore the question of what the war in Ukraine is doing to Germany. But what’s the point of discussing a European crisis in a purely German group?

This talk show wanted to deal with two topics: Firstly, the Russian President’s threats to use nuclear weapons and then the publication of confidential discussions by Bundeswehr officers on the subject Taurus. None of the topics went far. Putin and his adlatus Medvedev threaten with their nuclear weapons every Wednesday, it’s neither new nor relevant. The leak of the simulation games is not problematic in terms of content and is otherwise a nuisance. In an ideal world, everyone pays attention to the security of communication, but anyone who has ever traveled in an open-plan train car and been able to listen to what their fellow passengers reveal in terms of confidentiality will not have been surprised. Happens. Both questions lack relevance. Nevertheless, there should be broadcasting and, above all, talking.

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