Harassment: The limit is set by the person concerned – Bavaria

Arif Taşdelen has resigned as general secretary of the Bavarian SPD after he was accused of “inappropriate behavior” towards young women. An expert explains when the line to harassment has been crossed.

Interviewed by

Andrew Glass

A new general secretary has been found, but the resignation of the old general of the Bavarian SPD is having an impact. The Jusos, party youth of the Social Democrats, had accused Arif Taşdelen, 48, of behaving “inappropriately” towards young women. There was talk of intrusive questions about a cell phone number, of likes on social media platforms that were perceived as unpleasant. Not possible, the Jusos found. “Pipifax,” said ex-Bavaria SPD boss Renate Schmidt, 79, of the SZ. And Munich’s ex-OB Christian Ude, 75, is upset Munich Mercury about allegations that “cannot be put into words” but “are punished with a public execution”. All very heated and: complicated. Perhaps Christina Stockfisch, an expert on equality policy at the German Federation of Trade Unions, can help.

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