Harassment, insults… The promoters of the Callac refugee center project file a complaint

The Callac refugee reception center project will probably never see the light of day. Even abandoned, the project continues to be talked about. Faced with the hostility of some and the proliferation of demonstrations organized by the far right, the project was abandoned by the municipality of Côtes-d’Armor in January. A decision which had made the joy of its opponents but caused great dismay for its defenders, disappointed to see the small rural town bend in the face of threats. This Wednesday, the initiators of the project announced that they had filed a complaint against X through their lawyer. The patrons of the “Thank you” endowment fund have denounced the harassment, incitement to hatred and insults to which they have been subjected. Elected officials from La France insoumise had deplored “the fascist threat” hovering over the project.

The complaint also targets “a probable complicity of the media which left a nauseating climate to hover”, specified Me Vincent Brengarth, naming the site Riposte Laïque. In Callac, “we had to deal with mafia methods, with death threats, rape, daily violence which ended up paying: people were afraid”, lamented Benoît Cohen, administrator of the Merci fund.

Several other complaints have been filed by journalists who have covered the outbreak of fever in Callac, including that of a journalist from France 3 and France Télévisions, in particular against the Riposte Laïque site. On the side of the mayor and elected officials of Callac, “16 complaints have been filed”, indicated during the press conference Chloé Freoa, director of the Merci Fund. In a report broadcast by Special Envoythe mayor had denounced the position taken by far-right groups in this matter, to the detriment of the inhabitants.

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