Hanna W. murder case: What fellow prisoners say about the defendant – Bavaria

Witnesses from prison testify in the trial of a young woman’s murder. A fellow prisoner had previously reported that Sebastian T. had confessed, but there was no further confirmation of this on that day.

They met while working in the Traunstein prison, where they assembled children’s toys. One in his early 60s, the other just 20 years old. Every hour and a half they had a break, 15 minutes to walk around the yard, and then they started talking. The older one told the younger one that he had noticed that he was being teased because he was accused of murdering the medical student Hanna W. in Aschau. The older man wants to know how he feels about it. It doesn’t bother him, Sebastian T. is said to have replied, he didn’t do it and he trusts that “the truth will come to light”.

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