“Hanging” hats and scarves for the homeless

The idea, she breathes, came to her “one morning”. ” Like that “. Coraline Chambet, 36, manager of the KiloShop store in downtown Lyon, has launched a solidarity operation for the homeless. An operation which is directly inspired by “cafes” or “suspended meals” which are much more democratized in the Paris region.

“The idea is to buy two coffees and consume only one. The second, which is paid, is left for someone who needs it. She knows she can come to this place to drink one for free, ”explains the 30-something. On the shelves of the thrift store, no coffee or meals. But hats and scarves, sold between 4 and 5 euros.

A few slates, posted in the aisles of the store and at the cash register, inform customers that they can buy a small item for the homeless. The hats and scarves are then placed in a bag, visible to all. With each donation, the counter written on a small sign changes.

Clothing distributed by the employees themselves

“It’s within everyone’s reach to make a gesture and it works pretty well. When it comes time to pay, when customers see the poster, they spontaneously ask us to add an item, ”says Coraline. In two weeks, the team has already collected around twenty.

“For now, we donate the clothes to the homeless people we meet on the street or downstairs. Either the same evening or the next day, ”explains the manager, supported in this by her three salespeople. And to add: “If it goes well, we will get in touch with the marauders, who will perhaps have more to facilitate to distribute them. The idea is also to make the concept better known so that the homeless know that they can come directly to the entrance of the store to pick up a hat or scarf.

“After the period of Covid-19, I wanted to give meaning to our profession, argues the young woman. Also bring a little human warmth to the approach of winter… And that is not very complicated to set up. “

Note that the brand does not collect any clothing from individuals for the homeless.

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