Hamas-Israel war: Mia Shem, former Franco-Israeli hostage, recounts her detention in prime time – Libération

  1. Hamas-Israel war: Mia Shem, ex-French-Israeli hostage, recounts her detention in prime time  Release
  2. War between Israel and Hamas: Mia Schem, ex-French-Israeli hostage, recounts her 55 days of detention  franceinfo
  3. “Everyone there is a terrorist”: ex-French-Israeli hostage Mia Schem speaks about her captivity in Gaza  Le Figaro
  4. [VIDEO] VIDEO. “I experienced a holocaust”: Mia Schem, the Franco-Israeli hostage returned from Gaza, speaks for the first time on television  LaDepeche.fr
  5. Israel-Hamas war: “I experienced a holocaust”, says the former Franco-Israeli hostage, Mia Schem  20 minutes

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