Hamas in Lebanon: Where propaganda and lies find a lot of resonance

As of: November 14, 2023 10:40 a.m

The terrorist organization Hamas carries out propaganda unhindered in Arab countries. At a press conference in Lebanon, Hamas representative Naim reports on “Zionist fake news.”

Bassem Naim, a high-ranking member of Hamas’ political office, hosted a press conference in the Lebanese capital. The salon is decorated with a strong-smelling floral arrangement and the standards of Hamas and Hezbollah. Small bottles of water and sweet orange juice are served. That we will fight “until the enemy’s certain defeat,” says Naim, and that this is not just about the cause of the Palestinians, but about that of the entire Islamic world.

Most of the Arab media representatives sitting here in a semicircle are busily taking notes. There was no massacre of Jewish civilians on October 7th, Naim claims. That was Zionist fake news. Hamas only attacked military targets in Israel. The Arab media representatives don’t ask questions. They agree with Naim and spread Hamas’ messages to the people.

Hamas dominates discourse in Middle Eastern media

This is one of the most unbearable things in this evil time: that the grotesque distortion of the facts, the propaganda, the lies find an incredible response in the Arab world. Hamas dominates the public discourse in the Middle Eastern media. Their narrative has long since become the majority opinion.

Hamas, holed up in labyrinths of tunnels in Gaza, agitates freely and unhindered in Lebanon and other Arab countries. The deaths of more than 10,000 Palestinians in Gaza and the constant Israeli bombardment, says Naim, will ultimately lead to Hamas becoming more and more popular in the Arab world: “We’re not recruiting new followers now, the Israelis are doing it.”

Fast career with Hamas

Naim suddenly stands up, smiles and says “Oh – a reporter from Germany.” And in fluent German he continues: “I was in Germany for about ten years, in Erlangen near Nuremberg – Free State of Bavaria. I studied medicine from 1982 to 1992. I specialize in general surgery.” He said he liked Germany back then – but now he sees it differently. Now Germany only stands unconditionally at Israel’s side.

When Naim returned to Gaza in the late 1990s as a trained doctor, he joined Hamas and quickly made his career: Minister of Health, Minister of Youth and Sports, and until a few weeks ago he was Hamas representative in Moscow. So now he is here in Beirut.

Alliance of convenience between Hezbollah and Hamas

The Shiite Hezbollah, which dominates Lebanon and also decides who is welcome here or not, has formed a kind of alliance of convenience with the Sunni Hamas. Together with Iraqi, Syrian and Yemeni Shiite militias, Hezbollah is a key part of the “Axis of Resistance” forged by Iran. What connects the Shiite extremists with the Sunnis from the Gaza Strip is their common archenemy, Israel. Hatred is enough to form such alliances.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the Hamas militants after October 7 “dead men walking” – men who are as good as dead. But there is constant coming and going in the Hamas office. People know each other, greet each other, hug each other.

The Hamas foreign branch is located in the south of Beirut, in the middle of the densely populated Hezbollah area. An apartment block, eight floors, including a kindergarten. From Hamas’s perspective, this is a favorable situation. Just in case a rocket hits here.

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