Halloween night in the district: many drunks on the way – Ebersberg

Several drivers who were checked by the Poing police on Halloween night celebrated a little too much to take part in motorized traffic afterwards.

A breath alcohol test was no longer possible for a 38-year-old in Poing, and she was taken to the hospital to have her blood drawn. In Pliening, a 55-year-old was noticed by his unsafe driving style, and the alcohol test at the traffic control showed a value of more than 1.3 per mille. He also had to go to the hospital for a blood test, and both were reported for drunk driving.

The intoxication of a 63-year-old in Poing had no criminal consequences. Passers-by noticed the helpless man and called the police before he could get behind the wheel of his car. The quick test showed 1.7 per mille, so the car key was taken from the 63-year-old as a precaution. This was also necessary for an 18-year-old in Zorneding, who was drunk in a vehicle parked on the side of the road. Since the engine was not running, there was no criminal offense here either.

Halloween night was positive in terms of vandalism: Exactly one case was reported to the police. In Poing, between 2 a.m. and 4.20 a.m., the pole of a traffic sign was apparently broken off by prolonged shaking. The police estimates the damage at around 300 euros and accepts information at (08121) 9917-0.

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