Halle is to become the location for the future center – politics

Halle an der Saale is to become the location for the planned future center for German unity and European transformation. This is proposed by a selection committee, as announced by SPD member of the Bundestag Katrin Budde. She is the chair of the jury. Five applications were in the running. In addition to Halle, there were Frankfurt(Oder), Eisenach, Jena and the duo Leipzig and Plauen.

The Future Center is intended to honor the achievements of German unification and make use of the experience gained for future upheavals and crises. It should be a meeting place and research center at the same time. For the winning city, the selection means not only prestige, but an investment of millions.

During the selection process, Halle’s mayor, Egbert Geier, pointed out, among other things, the protests that had taken place in Halle an der Saale against the GDR system – earlier than in Plauen or Leipzig.

After an architectural competition, a “building with outstanding modern architecture” is to be built by 2028 for up to 200 million euros. 40 million euros per year are earmarked for operation. The center is expected to attract up to a million people each year. For the Eastern Commissioner Carsten Schneider, it is “one of the most important projects for strengthening German unity and cohesion in Europe”. It is considered the largest single construction project by the federal government in this decade.

The selection process for the location dragged on for months. The jury visited all applicant cities and critically questioned the respective concepts. The committee also included Marianne Birthler, former Federal Commissioner for Stasi documents, former Federal Minister Thomas de Maizière, Brandenburg’s former Prime Minister Matthias Platzeck and former FDP Deputy Cornelia Pieper. The federal government wants to follow the location recommendation of the jury.

So far, it is not very clear how the center will work one day. It goes back to a recommendation by the commission “30 Years Peaceful Revolution and German Unity”, in which Platzeck also played a leading role. The final report said at the time: “A crucial hub is to be created in this future center in order to bundle change competencies, honor life’s work, conduct civil dialogues, organize social cohesion and – in intensive international exchange – develop clever strategies for the transformation processes of the coming decades .”

The federal government formulated the assignment as follows: “The conditions for a transformation of the economy and society are to be researched here and life’s work is to be honored.” The center will offer space for culture, dialogue and lively discussions.

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