Hacker tried to attack Rainbow Bridge but failed and lost 5 ETH.

Cross-chain bridges have emerged as the top targets for attacks, however, not every hacker manages to escape at all. This is because some hackers end up losing money from their wallets.

In a Twitter thread by Alex Shevchenko, CEO of Aurora Labs,tellThe story of a hacker who tried to attack Rainbow Bridge ended up losing 5 Ether (ETH) worth around $8,000 instead.

According to Shevchenko, the hacker presented a fake NEAR block to the Rainbow Bridge contract and deposited 5 ETH, thinking the team would be slow to respond over the weekend. The attackers were scheduled to attempt the exploit on Saturday.

Shevchenko said that within just 31 seconds the attack attempt was suppressed. and cause the hacker to lose such money immediately.

Due to increased exploitation efforts, the CEO noted that Their team was considering increasing the amount needed for safe deposits. However, this idea was abandoned as the team wanted to maintain its commitment to decentralization as much as possible.

Shevchenko also left a message for the attackers.encourageHackers try to do good for the community by working on bug bounties instead of stealing users’ money. and attempting to launder the stolen property

On June 7, Aurora Labs paid a $6 million bug bounty to ethical security hackers. This pointed out a major vulnerability to the Aurora team. The bug was fixed immediately and the user’s money was safe. and if the white hacker decided to take advantage of the vulnerability. It could cost the network more than $200 million in losses.

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