Habeck assumes contact restrictions from January

  • Corona summit: Meeting of the federal government and the federal states on Tuesday
  • Lockdown after Christmas: Health expert Janosch Dahmen calls for more stringent measures
  • Omicron spread endangers nationwide infrastructure
  • Booster vaccination only helps to a limited extent against Omikron, therefore Contact restrictions necessary

The rapid spread of Omicron variant the coronavirus could soon result in more stringent measures to protect against infection. Consult before Christmas Federation and states On Tuesday, December 21st, on how to proceed – Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Hendrik Wst (CDU) as chairman of the Prime Minister’s Conference agreed on Sunday evening. The Green health politician Janosch Dahmen brought one Lockdown after the holidays in the game.

Update from December 20, 2021, 1 p.m.: At the special corona summit on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, it could be about contact restrictions. Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck expects restrictions in this direction as early as the beginning of January, he said on Deutschlandfunk. But they want to avoid a comprehensive lockdown. “I think we have other ways to proceed in a more differentiated manner,” said Habeck. You have to follow up and he sees closings coming, especially for clubs and discos, says Habeck. There are also further restrictions on vaccinated persons – one would have to talk about the restrictions on contacts for vaccinated persons in indoor spaces.

Omikron forces you to act quickly: Lockdown possible from January

“We have to get ahead of the omicron wave with our measures. Our actions today will determine tomorrow’s pandemic situation,” said Dahmen. “Given the extremely high transferability of Omikron we will get one Lockdown after Christmas probably can’t get around. One possible scenario would be a well-planned lockdown in early January. “Had a lockdown before Christmas Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach excluded on Sunday. When asked what about the time after the holidays, the SPD politician said on the Bild show “The Right Questions”: “I don’t think we will have a hard lockdown there either.” But he wrote on Twitter that an offensive booster vaccination campaign should be carried out and that “the contact reduction measures should be tightened”.

At the federal-state consultations on Tuesday, it should be preparatory actions to protect the critical infrastructure – but also by further contact-reducing measures to protect the health system from impending overload as a result of the Omikron wave. This was announced by both sides after the agreement between Scholz and Wst. The development of the Omikron variant shows “that we have to be very worried about one in this country too overloading our health system and ensuring basic public tasks, “said the deputy leader of the Greens in the Bundestag, Marie Klein-Schmeink, in an interview with the” Welt ” need, the SPD parliamentary group in the Bundestag is ready to make decisions at short notice, says deputy chairwoman Dagmar Schmidt of the newspaper.

“Every additional, unnecessary contact is one too many. In the worst case, we expect up to 700,000 new infections per day,” said Union group vice-president Sepp Mller (CDU) of the “world”. That is why there is now “a need for a legal basis for you too.” national lockdown“. AfD parliamentary group leader Alice Weidel said the newspaper on the other hand: “Lockdowns are useless and counterproductive, as the previous attempts have sufficiently shown.”

Is an omicron wave coming our way? Here you can read expert opinions on the subject.

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