Haar – The security guard on site will be strengthened in terms of personnel – Munich district

The people from the security guard visiting the town hall: with mayor Andreas Bukowski (front right) and police chief Stefan Roß (front left).

(Photo: private/Municipality of Haar)

The Bavarian Ministry of the Interior has increased the number of staff at the Haar security guard from eight to ten positions. All are now occupied and the women and men with the blue jackets and the Bavarian coat of arms on the sleeve are all on duty. The volunteer police security guard has been on the streets of Haarer for ten years. The head of the police inspection, Stefan Roß, and Mayor Andreas Bukowski (CSU) welcome this support. The feeling of security of the citizens will be strengthened, according to the town hall. Recently there have also been calls to add something. Because in the underground car park of the Poststadel training center in the town center, drug equipment was found, which was obviously used to consume heroin.

Eva-Maria Pfeifer-Seitz has been in action since the beginning. During a visit by the security guard in the town hall, she said, according to a statement from the municipality, that she and her colleagues were held in high esteem during their patrols. You can count negative experiences on one hand. According to their description, Dimitra Malapetsa, Aljoscha Thumer and the two newcomers, Silvia Jähnke and Peter Siebert, have only had positive experiences so far. Older people in particular were pleased. Andrea Holzer, criminologist at the University of Regensburg, appreciates the proximity to the citizens and the practical experience of the security guard. “Feeling safe has a lot to do with personal feelings,” says Holzer. There are now studies that show that the presence of the security guard helps people feel safer.

All security guards undergo training, which culminates in a final examination at the police force. In the 40 teaching units, which take place in the evenings and at weekends, law and civil service are on the schedule, but also psychology. The staff should work preventively and de-escalate – that is, defuse situations non-violently, call rioters to reason and break up meetings that disturb the peace.

The auxiliary police officers usually travel in pairs. The equipment includes a mobile phone, animal repellent spray, latex gloves, syringe container, flashlight, notebook and a small first aid kit as well as a location map. In an emergency, the security guard may question people, determine their identity or even issue a dismissal.

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