Haar near Munich – Vocational school for nursing exists for 100 years – District of Munich

The Isar-Amper-Klinikum in Haar is addressing the public against the background of the upcoming celebrations this year for the 100th anniversary of the local vocational school for nursing. The history of the school is to be presented in a brochure. Old photos, documents and also stories from the long history since the opening of the facility in October 1922 are currently being sought. The clinic relies on the fact that many people in and around Haar started their professional careers at vocational school. Others worked there. And some may still know colleagues who trained there and are now retired. Or there are colleagues who trained in Haar and have since moved. In any case, anyone who has documents in their fundus and would like to share them with the clinic can send an email to [email protected] or write to the kbo-Isar-Amper-Klinikum, Henner Lüttecke, staff office Public Relations, Vockestrasse 72 in Haar. As far as Corona allows, it is also possible to come by personally.

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