Haar near Munich – care beyond the service – Munich


Bernhard Lohr, hair

A nurse stands next to a bed. Snow-white apron over a blue blouse, a bonnet in her hair. And as if by chance, next to her, on a chair: a straitjacket. The scene recreated with a mannequin in the Psychiatry Museum at the Isar-Amper-Klinikum shows a dormitory in the early 1960s. The woman at the bedside could be Alma Midasch, who started out as a young student nurse in what was then the “Psychiatric Clinic Haar”. “It was still a bad time,” the now 80-year-old looks back when she said goodbye to active museum work. She worked in the clinic for 40 years and experienced profound upheavals there. With like-minded people, she then built up the museum over a period of more than 20 years, which today is also a central place for commemorating the murders of patients during the Nazi dictatorship.

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