Gwen Stefani: She almost prevented this dream couple

Gwen Stefani
She almost prevented this dream couple

Gwen Stefani performing in Los Angeles.

© Xavier Collin/Image Press Agency/ImageCollect

Gwen Stefani auditioned for “Mr. & Mrs. Smith”. Had she gotten the role, Hollywood would have missed out on a real love story.

Singer Gwen Stefani (52) has applied for the leading role in the 2005 blockbuster “Mr. & Mrs. Smith”. The singer now revealed this on the talk show by Ellen DeGeneres (64). She auditioned for the film by director Doug Liman (56), but had to admit defeat to Angelina Jolie (46), the 52-year-old explained.

Stefani, who starred in “Aviator” (2004) with Leonardo DiCaprio (47), among others, also joked on the DeGeneres show that “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” would have been a “different story”, if she had appeared in it with Brad Pitt (58) as Jane and John Smith. In the action-romantic comedy Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie played a married couple in a typical American suburban idyll. But the outward appearance was only an illusion, because both are in fact assassins for different organizations.

“Mr. & Mrs. Smith” was not only a great success at the worldwide box office, the film also had consequences for the main actors. Pitt and Jolie reportedly fell in love during filming. At the time, however, the actor was still married to Jennifer Aniston (53).

Big love and big drama

In January 2005, Pitt and Aniston announced their separation. In April 2005, a month after Aniston filed for divorce, paparazzi footage of Pitt and Jolie first surfaced. In January 2006, Jolie confirmed to People magazine that she was pregnant with Pitt, also opening up about their relationship for the first time. They got engaged in 2012 and married in 2014. In 2016, Angelina Jolie filed for divorce. A War of the Roses ensued, which is said to continue to this day. Among other things, the two argue about the custody of their children. They are parents to Maddox (20), Pax (18), Zahara (17), Shiloh (15) and twins Vivienne and Knox (13).


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