Gunslinger: Politically committed: musician Johannes Strate turns 42

Politically committed: musician Johannes Strate turns 42

Revolverheld singer Johannes Strate turns 42 today. Photo: Jonas Walzberg/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

He used to make music with Jan Böhmermann. Johannes Strate is now the singer of one of the most successful German bands. Today is his birthday.

He appears at demos to give parts of society a voice and to give them strong support. He is committed to the environment, knows how to assess trends in the country and, incidentally, wins awards en masse with his band Revolverheld. Today singer Johannes Strate is 42 years old.

Clear line to success

Compared to many of his musical colleagues, Strate had the goal early in his life to follow the path of the musician. As the son of a pianist and a teacher and singer, the native of Bremen practically inherited his musical talent.

He took his first steps together with his old companions from Bremen and today’s satirist Jan Böhmermann. After the two spent a lot of time together in the 1990s and Strate learned to play the guitar professionally, he founded the band Second Fire at the age of 14. Vocal training followed at the age of 18.
In order to acquire the basics of being a musician, he attended a course at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in 2002.

Made famous with Gunslinger

In the same year, the band that helped him and his colleagues to fame was formed. But it took a little time and sad cuts before it got its current name. The original name Manga gave way to Tsunamikiller in 2004. But in view of the devastating Christmas 2004 tsunami that raged in the Indian Ocean, the band felt compelled to look for a new name and from then on called themselves Revolverheld.

With their first studio album “Revolverheld” they were able to hold top positions in the German charts for 42 weeks. To date, the band has produced six studio albums and has become an integral part of the German music and chart landscape. In 2021, her album “New Stories” stayed in second place in the charts in Germany for ten weeks.
Their efforts and achievements have received numerous awards over the years. 2006 with the 1Live-Krone as Best Newcomer, 2011 with the Comet as Best Live Act or 2015 with the Echo Pop, to name just a few.

Present in the media and engaged

Johannes Strate has meanwhile arrived in the mainstream of the German media landscape. In the Sat-1 casting show “The Voice Kids” he sat on the jury with industry giants such as Lena-Meyer Landrut and Mark Forster. Presenting in public is not new territory for him. On the contrary, it was of central importance for him even scientifically. The subject of his bachelor thesis was “The self-perception of pop musicians in contrast to media perception”.

Together with his band, he regularly makes political statements. Things are also going well privately at Strate. The Werder Bremen fan has been with the actress Anna Angelina Wolfers for many years. The couple has a son, born in 2012, who they want to keep away from the media hype as much as possible.


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