gunshots in the center of Grenoble, two injured

Shots fired near the city center of Grenoble on Tuesday evening left two injured, including one serious, the firefighters of Isère reported to AFP, confirming information from the regional daily Dauphiné Libéré.

The investigation opened by the prosecution was entrusted to the Grenoble judicial police, announced the public prosecutor Eric Vaillant on Twitter. Called shortly before 8:00 p.m. Tuesday for shots at Place Saint-Bruno, near the station, firefighters took care of two victims.

“Several projectile impacts”

The first, a 29-year-old man with “several impacts of projectiles”, was transported with the Samu in absolute urgency to the CHU of Grenoble. The second, a 25-year-old man also presenting “several impacts of projectiles”, was hospitalized to him in relative urgency.

In June 2020, a shooting had broken out in the same place without causing any injuries, as in 2015. This working-class district is known to harbor certain trafficking and deal points.

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