Gülcan Kamps: How is she doing shortly before the birth?

Gülcan Kamps
How is she doing shortly before the birth?

The pregnant Gülcan Kamps has already packed the suitcase for the hospital.

© imago images / Future Image

Gülcan Kamps is expecting her first child. In a new interview, she explains how she is currently feeling.

It will not be long before Gülcan Kamps (39) becomes a mother. She is expecting her first child together with her husband Sebastian Kamps (39), with whom she has been married since 2007. In conversation with the “Bild” newspaper the presenter and actress reveals how she is doing shortly before the birth.

“I’m doing fantastic now. I have no complaints and I work full-time,” says Kamps. At the beginning of the pregnancy it looked very different. In the first three months she “like many expectant mothers had to struggle with nausea every day and 24 hours”, she wrote on Instagram in June.

“Due to the extreme nausea at the beginning, I could almost only eat potatoes,” she explains in an interview with the daily newspaper. There is one situation she will never forget: “One day I was hungry for ketchup and then I enjoyed a plate of ketchup with a spoon. Yes, right! Without fries.”

Relatively late motherhood

“Of course I always wanted to have children. But it was also clear to me that I would be a mother relatively late,” Kamps continues. She actually wanted to become a mother when she was in her mid-thirties, “but we’re not with ‘Make a wish’. It took a little longer, but everything was fine”.

But it will soon be time. Kamps recently reported on Instagramthat she’s already packed for the hospital. Actually, she is “not a big fan” of packing suitcases, but this time she was “really happy”. “My suitcase for the hospital and Baby Kamps is now ready,” said the moderator happily. She hoped that she was “far too early”, but she had “this impulse”.

In the summer, Kamps had made public that she and her husband were expecting a child. At the time, she also published a picture on the platformon which she could already be seen with her baby tummy. To do this, she used the hashtag #pregnant (Eng. “Pregnant”).


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