Guillaume Canet’s film will be released in theaters on February 1, 2023

Guillaume Canet may have put his camera down and shaved his mustache, the release of the next Asterix in the cinema is not for now. Neither tomorrow nor next year.
The Pathé distributor has just dated this fifth film, subtitled The middle Empire, on February 1, 2023. It will therefore be necessary to be patient before discovering Guillaume Canet’s approach to the most famous of the Gauls, of which he is at the same time the interpreter, the director and the co-writer.

In this new unprecedented adventure, Asterix and Obelix see the Chinese princess Fu Yi arrive in their village, victim of a coup in her country and who has come to ask for help. With its budget of 60 million euros and “big battle scenes” according to its director, The middle Empire is a hell of a challenge for Guillaume Canet. “The postproduction will be quite long,” he confided in October to Film Français. CQFD.

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