Guided tour of the large, walk-in sculpture “Room O” in Munich – Munich

What is real and what is just an illusion? What is reflection and what is the reflection of a reflection? The artist label Rasthofer/Neumaier explores questions of metaphysical relevance in interdisciplinary art objects from experimental architecture and plastic-sculptural design. Her large sculpture “Room O” made of mirror-polished stainless steel has been available to view in the inner courtyard of the Glyptothek since October. Consisting of six curved elements, it forms an accessible space with a circular floor plan. Behind its movable wings, the empty interior of the mirrored object is revealed and initiates a visual dialogue through interaction with its outside world.

Now the artists – architect Hildegard Rasthofer and metal worker and blacksmith Christian Neumeier – invite you to a guided tour through “Room O” including a dialogue. Participation is free for visitors to the Glyptothek and limited to a maximum of 25 people.

Tour “Room O”: Sunday, January 7th, 11 a.m., Glyptothek at Königsplatz, registration at: [email protected]

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