Guardian of the straits, Turkey recognizes the “state of war” between Russia and Ukraine

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Turkey officially recognized this Sunday, February 27 “the state of war” between Russia and Ukraine. This recognition authorizes it, under the Montreux Convention, to limit the access of belligerents to the straits which open towards the Black Sea.

From our correspondent in Istanbul, Anne Andlauer

Since the start of the Russian aggression, Ukraine has called on Turkey to close the Dardanelles Strait and the Bosphorus Strait to Russian ships. While supporting Kiev, Turkey has so far shown itself to be particularly careful not to anger Moscow.

The Montreux Convention of 1936 is clear: in time of war, the ships of the belligerent powers are prohibited from circulating in the straits of the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus, which allow the passage from the Mediterranean Sea to the Black Sea, and vice versa. And it is Turkey that controls these strategic routes.

By recognizing the existence of a “state of war” between Russia and Ukraine, which it had not done so far, Turkey therefore declares itself legitimate to prevent Russian warships from accessing to the Black Sea.

An exception is included in the convention: if these ships return to their home port, in which case they have the right to cross the straits. But for the rest, the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs let it be known that Ankara would transparently implement all the provisions of the Montreux Convention “.

In the short term, such a measure would not significantly reduce the strike force of Russia, which had already reinforced its fleet in the Black Sea before attacking Ukraine. Symbolically, however, it would be the first time since the start of the war that Ankara has acted against Moscow, while Turkey, for example, refuses sanctions.

►Also read : War in Ukraine: Turkey condemns Russian attack but remains cautious

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