Grünwald: burglars make fat booty – district of Munich

In two burglaries over the past weekend in Grünwald, the previously unknown perpetrators made loot worth tens of thousands of euros. First of all, the perpetrator or perpetrators violently entered a single-family house in the area of ​​Kaiser-Ludwig-Straße, Alpenveilchenstraße, Enzianstraße and Portenlängerstraße on Saturday between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. Between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Sunday, they also used force to gain access to an apartment in the area of ​​Wörnbrunner Strasse and Perlacher Strasse. In both cases, the burglars left the crime scene undetected. Commissariat 53 of the Munich police headquarters, which is responsible for burglaries, has started the investigation. Witnesses who can provide relevant information are asked to contact Munich Police Headquarters, Kommissariat 53, Tel. 089/2910-0, or any other police station.

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