Greta Thunberg’s fight against the Munich Stadtwerke – Munich

The Swedish climate activist is protesting in Oslo against a wind farm on the coast of Norway in which SWM has a stake. The indigenous Sami people feel that their rights have been violated: it is impossible to keep reindeer under wind turbines.


Heiner Effern and Kai Strittmatter

In Oslo they are currently playing their own version of the race between the hare and the hedgehog, it’s called: Police and Greta. Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg was back in the Norwegian capital on Wednesday to join the Sami people in their fight for grazing land for their reindeer. Against the Norwegian government. And also against the Stadtwerke München, which own a large part of the wind turbines, against which the anger of the demonstrators in Oslo is directed.

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