Gregor Peter Schmitz about the new star and Friedrich Merz

Stern editor-in-chief
Friedrich Merz simplifies the migration debate – Gregor Peter Schmitz on the current stern

The current star-Cover: Is Merz right? From deportation to dentures. 15 theses on migration in a fact check

© star

Discussions about migration are important – just not particularly productive if you move away from the substantive level through populist statements. Editor-in-chief Gregor Peter Schmitz on the topics of the new one star.

Friedrich Merz has the rare gift of initiating urgently needed debates in such a way that afterwards no one talks about the content, but everyone talks about Merz. His gift is particularly great when it comes to migration. Some time ago he wanted to make the school integration of migrant children an issue. But because he gossiped about “little pashas,” any meaningful argument was lost in the outcry that followed. Now he dealt with the question of what benefits asylum seekers should receive in Germany, and he said on TV: “They’ll go crazy, people will get the full benefits when they see that 300,000 asylum seekers have been rejected, not leaving the country, get full medical care. They sit at the doctor and have their teeth remade, and the German citizens next door don’t get any appointments.” Even “Bild” wrote: “There are things that you don’t say and don’t even think about. That’s it.”

Even though Merz is emblazoned on our cover, we want to try to contrast his approach – and talk objectively about theses about migration. Because we have to. Anyone who pretends that a few reforms are enough is creating an illusion. The challenge of migration may have only just begun, for reasons of global demographics, geopolitics and the climate crisis. Our cover team aims to raise uncomfortable truths for both camps in the refugee debate. So for those who shout that the boat is full and every refugee is one too many. And for others who like to pretend that integration is not a problem at all and poses no problem for social cohesion. Finally, we have to think about the questions: How much will populists from the left (Sahra Wagenknecht, for example) and right (especially from the AfD) try to hijack this complex issue with simple campaign slogans? And how much could they be rewarded for this at the ballot box, also because our country is so shaken and exhausted after multiple crises?

Tesla research reveals occupational safety and environmental violations

The research by the investigative team from stern and RTL was too serious Occupational safety and health Environmental violations at the Tesla factory in Brandenburg have attracted widespread attention, including in politics. Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) was “deeply concerned”, Left Party leader Dietmar Bartsch brought up the possibility of revoking Tesla’s operating license – and Brandenburg’s Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) called for clarification: “Tesla is well advised in its own interest work and “We should take environmental protection very seriously.” That sounds good. It would sound even more credible if politicians had already made a statement before the revelation.

Woidke recently told our reporters that he knew about accidents, but that he was not Tesla’s press spokesman. And his ministers downplayed the violations for a long time. Now there are calls for a committee of inquiry. It would be necessary because Tesla continues to produce every day and the workforce there is exposed to danger every day. The groundwater is also in danger, the purity of which Tesla is absurdly allowed to monitor itself. My colleagues will continue to ask questions. If you want to listen to her research in the podcast, I recommend “Inside Tesla” (see box on the left).

Published in stern 41/23

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